If you observe “it” from one perspective, “it” is nothing else than a unit of measurement! As distance is measured in Meters, mass is measured in Kilograms, electric current is measured in Ampere, Business is measured in “it”. That, “it” is Time! Time: a very less amount of people knows that is a unit invented way back since our existence or may be even before that, to measure almost everything including Business. Every human is surrounded by the circular looking sphere that Time possesses. It is also the only unit of measurement, which is included in the list of dimensions, alarming us that time is not only a mere unit that measures various entities; but also a unique way of looking at different things.
Talking about Time as seen by the Business personnel; it comes down to two important aspects, that, which he observes carefully. One of those aspects is Speed: the duration in which, given work is completed. The other one is Accuracy: the least number of errors that are made while doing that work. An ideal work model is that which completes a given work in the time limit it is supposed to; with no errors! According to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, “Simultaneous achievement of Speed and Accuracy is an impossible task.” Of course Sir Heisenberg did not assert the same principle as mentioned above; wherein he was talking about Quantum Physics, it was something related to determining proton’s velocity and position. But when looked upon this principle by an eagle’s point of view, one reaches to the version of principle mentioned by me!
A person, who understands this principle, will constantly try to manage Speed and Accuracy. His work gets easier if he has observed how creatively concentrated an equilibrist works (tight rope walker)! While he is balancing his walk, on one end, he deals with Speed and on the other end he has Accuracy. The beauty lies, when one realizes, that the work needed to be done depends on both aspects i.e. Speed and Accuracy, at the same time, he cannot say that Speed and Accuracy are independent of each other. If he lacks one of the two, he is bound to fall from the rope. Comparing, business personnel with the tight rope walker, the rope is the work which is given to him; because as without the rope, there is no fun seeing an equilibrist. Equally mundane is a business person without work. Secondly, his mind is like the Time given to him, which enables him to keep an account of the variables that are Speed and Accuracy! What determines a good tight rope walker/business-man; is the amount of closeness they are able to achieve with their respective works! So you see how Time which is just a unit of measurement for Science, becomes; if not more than; then at least equivalent to money when it comes to Business. For, all those who answers,” Ah! Just passing time, bud”, when asked,” What are you doing?”! There is a huge lesson to be learnt! Think whether you are passing time or time is passing you?
It has been a tradition performed in IBI since its inception, to give Time the utmost intensity of respect it deserves. Every project goes on floor for a specific time limit. IBI hence commemorates its work by trying and completing projects either before or on time i.e. either by surprising clients or by satisfying them!
But with all that work, IBI does not forget to celebrate with their “equilibrists” it hires. Last week IBI hosted a celebration for “Vishu”, “Baisakhi” & “Easter”! Each of the three festivals has their own importance, the former one indicates spring equinox, bringing equality in all terms. The middle one is celebrated commemorating the formation of Khalsa panth of warriors under Guru Gobind Singh, while the latter one is celebrated as resurrection of Jesus from the dead and much more. Time’s a mish mash, on one end work, the other end celebration. A person is happy, the other is sad! Interesting is the fact about time that time for you is not the same as time for me! Isn’t it?
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